Radio button
There can be only one.
Includes a Ruby component and corresponding Rails helper
RubyForm use
To use in forms, it's easiest to use the Form Builder.
tries to match Rails' own API.
For extra convenience use the f.field
<%= nk_form_for @golem do |f| %>
<%= f.field :element,
options: Element.pluck(:name, :slug),
as: :radio_group,
label: "Golem type",
description: "He'll be invincible" %>
<% end %>
With a label
To add a label, use the label:
<%= nk_radio_button label: "Accept your fate" %>
Radio button group
Display multiple related radio buttons in a group under the same title.
<%= nk_radio_button_group value: "zero" do |g| %>
<%= g.title "Choose your poison" %>
<%= g.item name: "poison", value: "coke", label: "Coke" %>
<%= g.item name: "poison", value: "zero", label: "Coke Zero" %>
<% end %>
NB: While radio_button
supports Rails' API, using f.field
is recommended.
| ||
Property | Default | Description |
compat_object_name | nil | API compatibility Relevant object |
compat_method | nil | API compatibility Object attribute |
compat_tag_value | nil | API compatibility Value of attribute |
compat_options | {} | API compatibility Options for radio button |
label | nil | Text label for radio button |
**attrs | HTML attributes for <input> element |